
Calista's Horse (6 years old)

Calista’s Horse (6 years old)

Drawing classes (children, teenagers and adults) are now taught from l’Observatoire at the Blue House Village at Turf City. Please refer to l’Observatoire website for current schedules.

Skills taught: observation, relaxation, concentration, Trying out new things. Mark-making using a variety of tools. Perfection of a favorite tool. We use mostly a thin black marker and coloured markers for colouring. Introduction to working with the lead pencil and colour pencils. Some watercolours. In the advanced class, more time is devoted to student-led project with their favorite medium.

We work from observation, and study a variety of styles. At this stage, the children are encouraged to explore to find out which style and medium they like best. We balance trying new things with perfecting what we like best.

Click HERE for the kids’ galleries (alumni).

  1. Agathe CHARBON

    I am 14 years old, and would like to learn about drawing techniques. Before registering in your class, could you please advise me the time and the location? Thanks

  2. Hello, Just found out your art classes. My son is 4yrs old and he has a problem with colouring and drawing. I would like him to learn the right skills. Is there a class that I can join him. Thank you

  3. bénédicte gérard

    Dear All,
    Could you give me information (techniques, skills required, location and prices) around drawing courses in August for my son of 12 years old?
    Thanks ahead or your reply
    best regards
    Bénédicte Gérard

  4. Hi! I’m keen on the class below for my 4-yr-old but we can’t make it on Fri. Pls let me know if other wkdays are possible. Thx!

    Fridays, 3-4pm.
    Who? 4-6 year old – Beginners

  5. I have an 8 year old son that is very poor in fine motor skills. He is currenly attending Sabine class on Sat 3-4pm. I am thinking of enrolling him in a drawing class, also to boost his confidence. Timing I am thinking of is Sat 4-5 pm, if possible.
    For advice, please.

  6. Christie Swanbeck

    I would like to sign my daughter, Alexandra, up as a new student for the Sat. 9 yr. old classes. We spoke in June regarding drawing lessons. Please let me know what I need to do next.
    Cheers, Christie

  7. Hi,

    I’m a Singapore living overseas and have 2 kids aged 4 and 6. We’ll be returning to Singapore in Nov. for 3 weeks and would like to check if I could enroll them for the Fridays, 3-4pm class just for these 3 weeks.
    Thank you!

  8. Hi,
    I would like to enrol 2 kids of 4 years old on the friday, 3-4pm class. My girl and my niece. As I just came back from HK mths ago, I plan to stay till end Oct. But my niece will continue the class. Is there any more vacancy?
    Rdgs. Adele

  9. Hi,

    I would like to have information on summer (school holidays) July-August 2009 class. Thank you.


  1. Pingback: Student Work now on display. « Isadora’s Workshop

  2. Pingback: Drawing Classes: trial this week! « Isadora’s Workshop

  3. Pingback: See you in August! « Isadora’s Workshop

  4. Pingback: Full Swing! « Isadora’s Workshop

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